Now Open: Best of the Chippewa Valley Reader Poll 2013!

V1 Staff |

Our big, giant, massive, Valley-wide Best of the Chippewa Valley Reader Poll is now up and firing on all cylinders. It covers everything from local restaurants to local media to news issues to arts-n-entertainment and everything in between including fried chicken.

Again this year! This year's poll is available to you via our handy mobile site. Just load'er up on your smartypants cellular telephone and get clickin'.

And please, oh please remember! You get to add your own responses that can, in turn, be voted on by everyone else. Also, just like years gone by, you don't need to complete the poll start to finish – you can just skip around, voting all willy-nilly in whatever order you want over the next few weeks. Voting ends on August 22.

Quick! Go vote your face off! Now!