A real downtown art heist

Tom Giffey |

“Mother and Child,” valued at $11,000, by Cody Swanson, an American artist who lives and works in Florence, Italy. (bigger view, reverse view)

The mysterious theft of a valuable Italian sculpture from under the nose of a surveillance camera may sound like the plot of an art heist film, but it’s a real-life scenario in Eau Claire.

A bronze sculpture titled “Mother and Child” valued at $11,000 vanished in the early hours of Saturday from its pedestal next to the entrance of Stella Blues, 306 E. Madison St. The sculpture was among 30 put on display around the city in early May as part of this year’s Sculpture Tour Eau Claire.

“I’m just sick to my stomach about it,” said Sue Larson, president of the Sculpture Tour board, who learned of the theft Tuesday and quickly reported it to the Eau Claire Police Department. The 21-inch sculpture – which was cast especially for the tour by Cody Swanson, an American artist who lives and works in Florence, Italy – should have been difficult to swipe: Like all works displayed as part of the annual tour, it was welded onto a steel crossbar embedded in granite (or concrete).

A review of a surveillance video taken at the restaurant showed the sculpture was stolen between midnight and 3 a.m. Saturday, but the theft apparently went unnoticed until Tuesday. (Larson said the staff at Stella Blues initially thought Sculpture Tour organizers may have removed the sculpture for some reason.) Unfortunately, because of rainy conditions and poor lighting, a police report of the incident states that only a unidentifiable “blob” can be seen next to the sculpture when it was taken, said Community Relations Officer Kyle Roder of the Eau Claire Police Department.

Larson, who also serves as interim director of the Sculpture Tour, said she doesn’t think the incident will change the organization’s commitment to sharing art with the community. “I’m greatly disappointed that someone thought it was OK to remove (the sculpture) from a public art display,” she said. “But I don’t think anything will change. You have to have faith that someone saw something or someone will have the conscience to bring the sculpture back.”

This isn’t the first time an Eau Claire Sculpture Tour sculpture has been stolen, although the prior incident was resolved quickly: Late last August, a bystander spotted one of the two “Raincoat Kids” in the back of a car and quickly called police. The metallic tot was only missing about 45 minutes and was soon returned to his rightful place in front of Acoustic Café on South Barstow Street.

Anyone with information about the theft can leave an anonymous tip for the Eau Claire Police Department by calling 715-839-4982 or by sending a text to TIP411 (847411) with “ECPD” at the beginning of the message.

Local Legends T-Shirt Poll

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