Hey, Stout has a video game program

Mike Paulus |

The joysticks. Look at the joysticks.
The joysticks. Look at the joysticks.
Totally forgot about this program! From an official UW-Stout press release ...

Students in the game design and development program will host a game release session from 2-4 p.m., Wednesday, May 11, in room 184 of Micheels Hall.

Visitors will have a chance to play video games developed by 69 students, in teams, and learn about how and why the games were created. Students will unveil 10 casual games, three games created for clients in 2-D format and a 3-D game from a senior capstone course.

The Bachelor of Science degree in game design and development was approved by the UW System Board of Regents in 2009.

Stout PR, 5-9-11
