Saturday: 20 Greatest Hits of Johnny Cash
Join Wisconsin Area Music Industry (WAMI) award-winning performer Liam Ford as he presents his electrifying portrayal of the MAN IN BLACK, in the career-spanning and essential "20 greatest hits". From Johnny's early days at Sun Records, to his final award-winning solo recordings with Rick Rubin, you will hear the 20 best-selling efforts of Johnny Cash. (State Theatre; 316 Eau Claire St., Eau Claire; Sat. 8pm; $31)
KIDS |If You Take a Mouse to School: Audiences know what happens when you give a mouse a cookie. Now find out what happens when you take a mouse to school. From exploding science experiments to disappearing soccer balls, there's never a quiet moment during this exciting day. Produced by the Eau Claire Children's Theatre. (The Oxford, 1814 Oxford Ave., Eau Claire; Sat. 11am & 1:30pm; $12 adults & senior, $8 students & youth)
NORDS | Scandinavian Imports' 50th Anniversary: Dawn Bergstrom invites you to attend her open house to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Scandinavian Imports, 16 S. Barstow St. Refreshments available, plus kransekake (Norweigan ringed cake dessert) in three shapes: the traditional tower, a flower basket and a horn of plenty. (Scandinavian Imports, 16 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire; Sat. 1pm-5pm; free)
AUCTION | Community Television's Annual Auction: CTV's 25th Annual Benefit Auction is a televised auction featuring products and services displayed on CTV and bids accepted by phone. This opportunity attracts viewers with as mix of local celebrities and useful products and services provided by local retailers and professionals. (Cable Channels 993 and 994 or Analog 96 & 97; Sat. 10:30am-8:30pm)