Fun Fact: Colleges actually have fishing teams

Sarah Dobs |

UW-Stout’s fishing team (Yeah, they have one. Really, they do. I'm serious.) has advanced to the Central Division Regional Championship on Nov. 4-6 and will be broadcast on cable. Sophomores Ryan Helke and Jeremy Anibas blew the competition out of water in their previous tournament, reeling in six bass (weighing 14.1 pounds) and making the bass-fishing club $10,000 richer (seriously – check out the giant check). Their advancement to the regional championship will take them to Lake Monroe in Bloomington, Ind. and will be televised on December 12 on the cable channel Versus. Winning prizes for this championship include a Ranger 177TR with a 90-horsepower engine decked out in school colors and a hefty cash prize of $25,000.

Follow the team over on (Yeah, it's a real site. Really, it is. I'm serious.)