Saturday: Booya & Fall Festival

Sarah Dobs |

What the hey, celebrate the best season of the year at the Booya & Fall Festival! The annual event is includes mouth-watering booya (a stew), other food, a visit from Paddy Beaver, nature hikes, raffles, live music provided by Billy Krause, Duffy Duyfhuizen and other local musicians, children's games, and activities at no cost. (Beaver Creek Reserve, S1Cty Rd K, Fall Creek; Sat. noon–4pm; food and raffles starting at $1; free admission)

STAGE | Caught in the Net: John Smith has two families, each unknown to the other. His teenage children, a girl from one family and a boy from the other, meet on the Internet and are anxious to meet in person since they have so much in common, forcing John to juggle outrageously with the truth. (Mabel Tainter Memorial Center for the Arts, 205 Main Street, Menomonie; Sat. 7:30pm; $12 adults, $10 seniors/students)


ART TOUR |  7th Annual Falling Leaves Art Studio Tour: A backroads tour of art studios hidding among the farms and woods near Augusta, Fairchild, Fall Creek, Humbird and Osseo, WI. Totalling 18 stops/15 studios. (several stops and studios, see website for details; Sat. 9am–6pm; free)


ART TOUR 2 |  Fresh Art Tour: Seventeen studios and galleries with artists working in a range of media from watercolor to punched tim, to clay to glass and stratchboard. Autumnal coulees and bluffs are the 'frosting on the cake' for this art tour in its 13th year. (Pepin County, Durand, Pepin, Stockhom, 502 2nd Ave. East, Durand; Sat. 10am–5pm; free)


MOVIE & MUSIC | Last Rites of Ransom Pride Movie Premiere + Brian Bethke Concert: Dwight Yokoam, Kris Kristofferson, Jason Priestley, and Lizzy Caplin all are gun toting bad guys in one of the best new movies to hit the big screen. Last Rites Of Ransom Pride is a story of a vengeful woman motivated by a bruised heart. Best of all, local songwriter Brian Bethke's song "The Silence" will be used for the movie’s trailer and Brian's buying the beer. (Whispering Pines Cap Ground, 12788 South Prarie Road, Osseo; Sat. 9pm–2am; free)


The rest of Saturday here. More of a Sunday person? This link's for you.