
New Justice Center location coming soon?

Mike Paulus |

It’s déjà vu all over again as Eau Claire County’s jail site selection committee narrows its list of sites down from 34 possibilities. Before we get too far, let’s mention the actual name of said committee: Select Committee to Recommend Justice Center Building Sites. Nice. Anyhoo, committee chair Ken Fulgione said they’ve probably got it down to six locations. From the Leader-Telegram:

  • Nine audience members attended Monday's rather informal session, the committee's second in working toward a selection of one or two sites.
  • "I think we're working well on developing the criteria we need, but, at least right now, I'm not getting enough feedback from the public," Fulgione said, adding that he's expecting to get a lot more as the site list shrinks. "I'm sure there will be plenty of comments once we narrow it way down."
  • Major criteria items include the site size, location, cost containment factors and compatibility with zoning, community, environmental and other issues.

So things might be heating up again soon as the location (recommendation) search draws to an end. Stay tuned.