"Night Ranger?" No? Really?
Some friends and I went to the Meridene concert the other night (which was absolutely fantastic and I think I now have a collective crush on the whole band but anyway…) and they both commented on the lack of a bigger crowd. Apparently 9:30pm is considered “early” for those under 30, so they reasoned that might have something to do with it.
Yeah. I rejected this logic mostly because I’m in denial about this “getting older” crap. But also because I had a much better explanation involving a certain rock legend playing at the Northern Wisconsin State Fair that same night. That rock legend being; Night Ranger.
I offered this up and they both looked at me like I was speaking in tongues. I said, “You know…Night Ranger….SISTER CHRISTIAN????”
Still nothing.
So then I started singing the song, which I knew wouldn’t help, since I’m certified tone-deaf. And indeed, they were still clueless. I was distressed.
My friends have never heard the song “Sister Christian” before and this is absolutely beyond my comprehension. This song seems like one of those Americana staples. Not quite “American Pie” but definitely on par with “Mr. Roboto” and “Come Sail Away.” Am I alone in these feelings? Please tell me I’m not. Otherwise I’ll be motoring the heck out of here.
For the uneducated: