Saturday: Earth Day

Mike Paulus |

Saturday is Earth Day, and if you didn’t know that, you should be ashamed of yourself. The whole dang day was founded by former Wisconsin governor Gaylord Nelson. Anyway, there’s lots of greenish stuff to do. Chippewa County’s got their Spring Recycling Collection going on. So that’s gonna be a blast. Our local Community Beautification Association invites you to help out at their Earth Day maintenance project in the gardens at the Highway 12/53 intersection. The “Amazing Eau Claire Cleanup” will kick off at 9am in Owen Park, with a big Earth Day Celebration from 11am-6pm.

Also on Saturday: Leashes 4 Love, Darts Tournament, March for Babies, Lend Me a Tenor, Bizarre History at the Chippewa Valley Museum, Mike Perry: A Year of Poultry, Pigs, and Parenting, Women Rise Up, The Eau Claire Chamber Orchestra, The Bizarre History of the Chippewa Valley (Show 2), Anything Goes!, Battle of the Bands 2009, The New Science, Evergreen Grass Band, and Orestus + No Loving Place.

And on Sunday: Charcoal Chicken Dinner, 44th Annual Spring Art Show, Silhouettes Fashion Show, Wisconsin Oral History Day, and Mac Lethal.