Bizarre History

Nearly Frozen When Found
(Jan. 30, 1908)

Chad Lewis |

Nearly Frozen When Found
Officer Wolf picks up queer case of drunk last evening.
– Eau Claire Leader | Jan. 30, 1908

Eau Claire – But for the kindly offices of a patrolman last night a man might have frozen to death on North Barstow street. A lumberjack, who is believed to reside near Durand, became somewhat intoxicated late yesterday and late last evening was about to seek a lodging place in some of the hallways along Barstow. Officer Wolf noticed the condition of the man and brought him to the detention station where he was given lodging for the night. In his meanderings the man had lost his hat, and was unable to tell the officers what had become of it. He did manage to hang on to a sack of cookies, which he brought with him to the jail, and when he got thawed out he ate his lunch with as much contentment as a swell at Delmonico’s.

Chad's Take:
1908 or 2009?
Believe me I am not purposefully trying to dig up stories that involve alcohol, but there are just so many great drinking stories available that I simply can not resist. The best aspect of this story is that if you only read the headline and first sentence you might think that the story took place in 2009, not 1908. This lumberjack who allegedly passed out on Barstow Street was so intoxicated that he lost his hat, yet he was coherent enough to keep a tight hold on what was really important—his sack of cookies. I wish the article had listed the name of this colorful lumberjack so that the next time I am down on Barstow street I could toast a drink in his honor.

In closing the article the writer throws out the fact that the cookies tasted so good to the lumberjack that he might as well been eating lunch at Delmonico’s Restaurant. This mention was a reference to the world famous New York restaurant that was in operation until 1926. 

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