
What's in Menomonie's water?

Ian Jacoby |

It may be a cliche to say it at this point, but it seems like every semester UW-Stout's Blue Devil Productions has their stuff together just a little more than the average college music booker. Sure, they get credit for having major names like Sufjan Stevens, The Bad Plus, and Atmosphere, but I think it's the little names that really put Stout ahead. Every single Thursday they book regional bands in "The Underground" that range from good to great. Just the past semester, they had The Wars of 1812, Zoo Animal, Dressy Bessy, The Owls, The Hopefuls, White Light Riot, and The Daredevil Christopher Wright (not to mention Cloud Cult in The Great Hall). Most of these bands don't cost a lot of money, they consistently put on a great show, and they're college kid friendly. It begs the question - how did those damned Blue Devils do it, and more importantly how do we bottle it and get it in Eau Claire? Something to think about while looking up weird Steampunk keyboards on google image search. (The above photo is of Cloud Cult in UW-Stout's Great Hall.)

Blue Devil Productions website
Video of Zoo Animal at Stout (produced by Eau Claire's Peer Validated)