TV13 Rips Off V1’s Answer Man!

Mike Paulus |

Check out this article over on that rips off Frank Smoot’s “Thanks for Asking” column from December 4. From the rip off:

  • If you've ever been to downtown Eau Claire, you may have heard the soothing sounds of music as you walk from shop to shop. But, who's in charge of picking the tunes and where does it com from?

What a great question that’s already been answered! From Smoot’s column:

  • It comes from a windowless bunker underneath what’s laughingly called the Opera House building (Barstow, Main, and Graham).

Also of note, Volume One totally broke the door hinges clean off this very important story back in December of 2003. Five years ago. Whatever. We can be so smug because we, like, never get stories from other local media. Like, never, man.