1st Place: Nate Larscheid
2nd Place: Ashley Baylor
3rd Place: LeAnn Lombardo

You know what they say about predicting the weather – it sure is tough, but if you give it a whole-hearted effort with a great smile, people won’t mind all too much when you are way, way off. Thankfully, all three winners this year can back up their great smiles with striking accuracy. First place weatherman Nate Larscheid of WEAU TV-13 embodies professionalism, weather predicting skill, and a boyish charm that makes you want to give him a nickel and tousle his hair after he finishes his spiel about Alberta clippers. Ashley Baylor spends most of her time on WLAX/WEUX FOX 25/48 heading up the green screen for the nine o’clock news, and her pep and personality make the grayest skies a little brighter. Third place goes to LeAnn Lombardo, the morning weatherperson on WQOW TV-18. LeAnn’s job is especially difficult, because she has to be personable and accurate at 6 am. That’s really early. – Eric Rasmussen