Bizarre History

Hoodoo It!

Chad Lewis |

Claims Hoodoo Clings To Family
– Eau Claire Leader | October 11, 1906

The children of Bert Tandler, who murdered his wife at Milton Junction and then committed suicide at Eau Claire, Sept 8, have been adopted by Mr. and Mrs.White, who reside in Drywood, Chippewa County. At the hearing it was learned that the Tandler family seems to have been born under an unlucky star. The elder Tandler came from Germany and settled at Drywood. Illness has visited various members of the family; then they have had misfortune almost every year. In July, the home of the family was burned down and much money and many valuable papers were lost. Members of the family were afraid to adopt the children.

Chad's Take: Hoodoo and curses sell papers

Wow ... mix in a tragic murder, suicide, and a couple of children that were so cursed that their own family would not take them in and you have the perfect newspaper article. When is the last time you read about an Eau Claire citizen committing suicide? Usually today’s newspapers simply write that the recently deceased person died unexpectedly. Toss in this bizarre cursed family and you certainly have my attention. I would love to pick up today’s newspaper off of my porch and read a story like this one. Local weird stories like this grab the community’s attention (and wallet) and I think that if newspapers covered these stories instead of celebrity gossip they might just be able to win back their readers.