Seven Hundred Something

Mike Paulus |

So the big 700 billion bailout passed the Senate yesterday. Not sure how that’s all gonna shake out. But according to from a few days ago, in a story about Ron Kind visiting Eau Claire on Tuesday, the original plan called for a “$700,000 billion” bailout:

  • Congressman Ron Kind, who voted in favor of the $700,000 billion bailout Monday, was in Eau Claire Tuesday to talk to local business leaders. But not everyone agrees that a economic bailout is needed.

$700,000 billion?! Sweet Jesus, pass that one! Not sure where we’d get that kind of money from, but who cares? As soon as a 700 billion gajillion bailout went into effect, we could all buy bottles of Champaign champagne – to bathe in. With a 700 quadruple trillion fantast-i-million dollar bailout, we could all quit our jobs, walk around in our underwear all damn day and built build airplanes that fly to the moon!

Why is this important legislation not getting proposed?