Economy Recreation Outdoors

We Can Finally Put a Number on the Value of Eau Claire’s Trails

actually several numbers, and one of them is $4.1M

Tom Giffey |

THE WHEELS OF COMMERCE? A new report has estimated the local economic impact of the City of Eau Claire's trail system.
THE WHEELS OF COMMERCE? A new report has estimated the local economic impact of the City of Eau Claire's trail system.

Residents and visitors alike have long known that the City of Eau Claire’s trail system is a huge asset to the community. Now, they can put a number on the annual economic impact of that asset: $4.1 million.

That’s the estimated annual boost to local businesses – eateries, retailers, coffee shops, and more – in Eau Claire generated by users of the 57 miles of paved trails that crisscross the city.

The figure comes from a newly released report prepared with the help of the state’s Office of Outdoor Recreation, a part of the Department of Tourism. According to Kennedy Domerchie, outdoor development manager for Visit Eau Claire, the region’s tourism promotion agency, the report was created through a collaboration between the City of Eau Claire and Visit Eau Claire. Thanks to a pilot program created by the Office of Outdoor Recreation, locals were able to calculate the economic impact of the city’s trails.

“This report … highlights what we’ve been trying to shout: outdoor recreation is a powerhouse for economic development, quality of life, and tourism attraction!” Domerchie said. “But it also uncovered some surprising insights – like the fact that 29% of people who move to Eau Claire from outside a 40-mile radius cite outdoor recreation as a moderate to significant factor in their decision to relocate. I’m one of them!”

The report was based on data collected from two online surveys of locals and visitors between June and September of last year. Automated counters on the trails were also used to calculate the number of annual users.

As a result, it was estimated that the trail system has around 233,000 walkers, runners, bikers, and other users annually, and that the $4.1 million in economic activity supports $1.9 million in labor income and 56 jobs in sectors such as hospitality and retail.

Nine out of 10 respondents said they used paved city trails, 60% using trails at Lowes Creek County Park and 53% frequenting Putnam Trail. More than one-third (37%) used the trails to view public art in the city, such as the Eau Claire Sculpture Tour and the ColorBlock murals.

Trail users were roughly split between females (52%) and males (44%), and the largest share of users were between ages 36-55 (42%), the report said.

The state’s Do-It-Yourself Economic Impact Report pilot program, which was used to create the local report, was also used to estimate the impact of outdoor creational opportunities in Dodge, Lafayette, Marathon, and Vilas counties.

“We know the outdoor recreation industry as a whole is big business in Wisconsin, but it can be challenging for those who manage outdoor spaces to determine the economic benefits for their communities,” Office of Outdoor Recreation Director Cassie Mordini said in a media release. “The DIY Economic Impact Report program removes barriers and provides a means for partners to uncover the powerful value of outdoor recreation locally.”

Added state Department of Tourism Secretary Anne Sayers: “This program underscores that the value of outdoor recreation extends well beyond the cost of a trail pass or a camping permit – it spreads throughout an entire community.”

Read more about the program and read the report about Eau Claire’s trails here.