Community Orgs Film

‘THE BEST OF US’: New Documentary Highlights Cornell Volunteer Fire Department

Chippewa Valley filmmaker spotlights area firefighters

Evie Heidel |

The documentary The Best of Us profiles volunteer firefighters in rural Cornell, Wisconsin. (Submitted photos)
The documentary The Best of Us profiles volunteer firefighters in rural Cornell, Wisconsin. (Submitted photos)

Running into a burning building and saving things that are the most precious to you is a truly traumatic and gutting thing to experience.

Firefighters are heroes to communities all over the world, and sometimes they give their services for free. Volunteer fire departments exist all over the country, with regular people giving their time to help their community when they are at their lowest. 

A new documentary, titled The Best of Us, takes a deep dive into the lives of volunteer firefighters in Cornell – a Chippewa County city about 40 miles from Eau Claire – and the communities that they impact with their services. The film focuses on bringing awareness and community to those people who give their time, risking their lives for their very own communities, family, and friends.

Back in 2021, Benjamin Cook, a filmmaker and editor from Cornell, and his team started to dig into the world of the Cornell Area Fire Department. They dove deep into the community, interviewing department chiefs as well as volunteer firefighters. “We sort of followed them in their life, as well, talking to their spouses and their families, and even going on a few calls,” Cook said. 

With a run time of 1 hour and 12 minutes, the documentary highlights stories of inspiration and honor. “Making any film is tough but specifically making an engaging documentary that's informative, yet simultaneously, emotionally engaging and entertaining is tricky, because you start with a fairly simple story thread,” Cook said. “It was really interesting to see how these new story threads represented larger thematic elements.”

Being able to see into even just a small sliver of life in a volunteer fire department has sparked interest and passion into the hearts of many. Through the work of Cook and his team, people are able to see into that world, with the film focusing on real people and real experiences. 

“Go down to your local fire department and find out if they need volunteers in some capacity and thank them for what they do,” Cook said. “Lives are on the line with them and what they do is crucial.”

The Best of Us documentary will be screening at the Downtown Micon Cinema, 315 S. Barstow St., on Nov. 15, 16, and 17, with part of the box office earnings going to the Cornell Area Fire Department to help them build a new satellite station in Oakland to help with response times. The film recently won Best Feature Documentary at the Madison Film Festival, and will also be featured at the Weyauwega International Film Festival on Nov 14. 

To learn more about The Best of Us, visit