High Five

5 Questionable Chippewa Valley Halloween Costume Ideas

Yes, Paul Bunyan is on the list, but so is a giant baby!

V1 Staff |

PAUL FUNYAN. A snack-sized legend is born.
PAUL FUNYAN. A snack-sized legend is born.

Sure, you could be a pirate again. Or you could dig in your closet (and imagination) and embody something that says “Chippewa Valley” for Halloween.

1. Paul Funyun the LumberSnack

What happens when you combine everybody’s favorite legendary lumberjack with everybody’s favorite ring-shaped Frito-Lay product? Why, Paul Funyun, of course. With his onion-flavored ax, Paul felled countless acres of white pine while meeting the snacking needs of thousands of northwoods denizens, one little yellow bag at a time.

2. Living Adin Randall Statue

Portraying one of Eau Claire’s most beloved founding fathers can be as easy as getting a 19th-century suit, a fake beard, and a few gallons of bronze-colored body paint. Sit quietly in the park until some unsuspecting pranksters try to put a garbage can on your head – then stand up and enjoy scaring the sawdust out of them.

3. Zombie Farmers Market Granny

What’s creepier than the almost-but-not-quite-lifelike statue “Granny’s Garden” that stands outside the Eau Claire farmers market? Why, a zombie Granny! Instead of garden-fresh produce, fill your upturned apron with ... brains!

4. RealCare Baby Infant Simulator

Want to teach a valuable lesson about the responsibilities of parenthood to your friends? Become a jumbo-sized RealCare Baby, just like the infant simulator made by Eau Claire-based Realityworks. Don a diaper and a onesie and demand to be cuddled, fed, burped, and changed at inconvenient times all evening, and dock your friends’ grades if they don’t respond to your needs in time. (Note: A less-expensive option is dressing up like a bag of flour.)

5. Eau Claire City Council of Doom

You and 10 of your closest friends can portray the city decision-making body that specializes in municipal mayhem. Possible members include Aaron Boo!-ster, Scare-a Serrano, and Joshua Killer.