Politics Thoughts Soapbox

COLUMN: There’s One Big Reason That Many Eligible Voters Don’t Register

getting more people to the polls is as easy as asking

League of Women Voters-Greater Chippewa Valley |

A League of Women Voters voter registration event. (Submitted photo)
A League of Women Voters voter registration event. (Submitted photo)

What Is the No. 1 reason eligible voters have not registered to vote? Because they haven’t been asked.  

Even 60% of those registered admit they had not been asked to register. That is a principal reason why Sept. 17 was chosen as National Voter Registration Day by Nonprofit VOTE.

Other reasons eligible voters aren’t registered are: 1) They don’t plan to vote because they are not interested in politics, or 2) They think their votes don’t matter. Overall, those not registered to vote are less involved in their community and may tend not to volunteer and participate in other community activities. They often don’t understand government, think they cannot affect it, and are quite cynical about its workings. Many young people claim they plan to register to vote in the future but don’t get around to it.  

According to the Voting Frequency Survey conducted in 2016, most eligible nonvoters feel that their votes cannot influence government. However, voters who actually do vote feel confident that they and their votes do make a difference.

Interestingly, 43% of unregistered and 59% of rare voters care who wins a presidential election. According to the Voting Frequency Survey conducted in 2016, most eligible nonvoters feel that their votes cannot influence government. However, voters who actually do vote feel confident that they and their votes do make a difference. Nonvoters are even less interested in choosing those in Congress or the winner of a primary. Unfortunately, they don’t realize that, by not voting, they are giving more power to those who do. 

If you or someone you know has not registered to vote because you haven’t been asked, the League of Women Voters-Greater Chippewa Valley and Chippewa Valley Votes will be available at different area locations on several days during the month of September to ask people if they would like to be registered on site. Members of Chippewa Valley Votes and League of Women Voter-Greater Chippewa Valley, both nonpartisan organizations, will assist them as needed. These organizations are asking you to register! 

During September – including on National Voter Registration Day – come to one of the locations on the dates listed below. League or CVV members will answer your questions about registering and help you register or re-register if necessary. Everyone’s vote matters! 

This column was submitted by the Voter Service Committee of the League of Women Voters-Greater Chippewa Valley. Learn more about the group and its activities at www.lwv-gcv.org.

League of Women Voters/CVV Voter Registration Drives September 2024 

  • Wednesday, Sept. 4, 11am-1pm, CVTC Manufacturing Education Center, 2320 Alpine Road, Eau Claire.
  • Wednesday, Sept. 4, 1:15-3:15pm Stepping Stones Food Pantry, 1602 Stout Road, Menomonie.
  • Wednesday, Sept. 4, 5-9pm, After Dark, UWEC McIntyre Library, 103 Garfield Ave., Eau Claire.
  • Monday, Sept. 9, 11am-1pm, CVTC Health Education Building, 615 Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire.
  • Monday, Sept. 9, 11am-2pm, DMV Eau Claire, 3115 Melby St., Eau Claire.
  • Wednesday, Sept. 11, 11am-2pm, DMV Menomonie, 393 Red Cedar St., Suite 7, Menomonie.
  • Thursday, Sept. 12, 4-8pm, Great Community Cookout, 108 Sixth Ave., Menomonie.
  • Saturday, Sept. 14, 9am-5pm, Downtown Eau Claire Fall Festival, downtown Eau Claire. 
  • Monday, Sept. 16, 11am-1pm CVTC Energy Education Center, 4000 Campus Road, Eau Claire.
  • Tuesday, Sept. 17, 8am-2:30pm, L.E. Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger St., Eau Claire. 
  • Tuesday, Sept. 17, 10am-1pm, CVTC Business Education Center, 620 W. Clairemont Ave, Eau Claire.
  • Tuesday, Sept. 17, 4-7pm, Memorial Park, 201-299 Sixth Ave. E., Menomonie.
  • Thursday, Sept. 19, 4-7pm, Una Noche en la Plaza, UWEC- Chippewa Lounge Outdoor Space, Lower campus, near Vicki Lord Larson Hall , Eau Claire.
  • Thursday, Sept 24., 11am-1pm, Eau Claire DMV, 718 W. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire.
  • Saturday, Sept 28, 9am-noon, Stepping Stones Food Pantry, 1602 Stout Road, Menomonie.