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News Family Life

Early Birds Enjoy More Play Time at Children’s Museum

as of Aug. 1, Members and public can now play earlier

McKenna Scherer, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM. Formerly operating from 10am-5pm for all attendees, CMEC will now open 8am-5pm for Members and 9am-5pm for the public.
EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM. Formerly operating from 10am-5pm for all attendees, CMEC will now open 8am-5pm for Members and 9am-5pm for the public.

Due to public (and kids’) demand, the Children Museum of Eau Claire has adjusted its hours to accommodate early risers. As of Aug. 1, the Museum will open at 8am for Members and 9am for the public.

Previously, CMEC operated from 10am-5pm for all attendees (CMEC will still close at 5pm). “Why the change? We know kids often start their day early, and we want to be there for them (and you!),” a recent newsletter stated.

Daily admission for non-Members is $11/person – infants under one years old get in for free – while Members have their choice of five membership options, all including free admission for parents and their kids.

Enjoy the Children’s Museum of Eau Claire even more, now open Monday-Saturday from 8am-5pm for Members and 9am-5pm for the public • Keep up with the Museum online