Visual Art Style

Rediscovering Sewing Leads to Local’s Upcycling Venture

inherited sewing machine sparks creative outlet, Handmade by Kiki Marie

McKenna Scherer |

WHAT'S THE STITCH? Table cloths and vintage fabrics are finding new life thanks to local Kalyn Cronk and her sewing machine. (Submitted photos)
WHAT'S THE STITCH? Table cloths and vintage fabrics are finding new life thanks to local Kalyn Cronk and her sewing machine. (Submitted photos)

I wish I would’ve taken my eighth grade home economics class seriously (shoutout South Middle School) and became a wizard with the sewing machine, but I think I was neck-deep in my One Direction boy band era and was clearly very busy managing the emotions that came with that. Fortunately, Chippewa Falls local Kalyn Cronk is not currently stuck in that phase, but is entering a new era of creativity.

After a life lived with her grandparents, Cronk’s new partner in creating – a sewing machine – is busy once again needling across fabrics galore. The end product? Handmade bags of all shapes, sizes, and designs, many of which are crafted with fabrics also formerly belonging to her grandmother.

Like a lot of things in life, Cronk’s first go-around in creating with her sewing machine required a learning curve and resulted in redirection, arguably for the better.

“Originally, I wanted to try my hand at making clothes. I kept seeing people all over social media do it so I figured, ‘Oh, I could do that!’ ” she recalled. “I tried making one shirt – it was one of those Pinterest-worthy open-front shirts with the ties running all the way down – and it turned out OK, but it was really difficult for me to make.”

“Upcycling in this way gives a new life to something that would otherwise (have) been thrown away, and it also allows me to show my creativity.”

Kalyn cronk

handmade by kiki marie

After raiding her grandmother’s former sewing supply closet, scoring fabrics that were truly vintage – “some pushing maybe 50+ years old”– she pivoted from clothing projects to bags. If her online sales are any indication, the pivot was a good move.

Her aunt has sold quilts on Etsy before, so she decided to take a whack at listing her own goods on Etsy in early June. About a month later, Cronk’s Etsy page now has 15 five-star reviews and a couple of local arts markets under her belt, selling her handcrafted bags under the name Kiki Marie Handmade.

Part of the fun is the hunt, too. Cronk has sourced fabric from estate sales, family members, and even Facebook Marketplace – emphasizing she washes those materials before use – and said table cloths have become a favorite for creating her bags.

“There was one table cloth in particular that I was obsessed with,” Cronk recalled. “I found a green and white one off of Facebook Marketplace, and when I went to pick it up, the lady said her sister purchased it while she was in France and never used it. I knew I had to make something very special with that one.”

She ended up making two tote bags and one pouch from the traveling fabric. Both totes sold within one hour of being posted online.

Bags currently available on Handmade by Kiki Marie.
Bags currently available on Handmade by Kiki Marie.

While Cronk has a full-time job and this creative venture is a new one, she having fun with it all from the fabric-sourcing process to the creation of the bags, social media content, and having a new creative outlet. Plus, earning some cash while doing it doesn’t hurt.

“Upcycling in this way gives a new life to something that would otherwise (have) been thrown away, and it also allows me to show my creativity,” she said. “However I am also a one-girl show, and I still have a full time job, which doesn’t leave me a whole lot of hours in the day to create. … As of right now I have no plans on stopping!”

Visit Handmade by Kiki Marie on Etsy to see available bags • Keep up with the shop on Instagram