Visual Art Kid Stuff

FROM FRIDGE TO GALLERY: L.E. Phillips Library Spotlights Young Artists

young creatives could have their artwork hung at Eau Claire’s public library

McKenna Scherer |

FOR THE YOUTH. The L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library is now host to the Young Artists Gallery, highlighting new artists each month. (Photo via Facebook)
FOR THE YOUTH. The L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library is now home to the Young Artists Gallery, highlighting new artists each month through next year.  (Photo via Facebook)

Earlier this month, L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library shared its newest gallery, an opportunity for young people to upgrade from the front of the fridge to a gallery. The Young Artists Gallery will showcase three artists’ works each month, and is open to those ages 18 and under.

Chosen artists will be decided using a lottery system from the pool of submissions, with entries accepted through an online form. Artwork should be 2D and suitable for hanging as library staff will mount the pieces (no food-based art, sculptures, or non-family friendly pieces accepted). Up to four works can be submitted, sized about 9-inches-by-12-inches.

The lottery opened July 1, so if you want to toss your young artist’s hat into the ring, submit before the end of the month! Once you are entered, your name will remain in the lottery until May 2025.

Learn more and submit artwork online • Keep up with the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library (400 Eau Claire St., Eau Claire) on Facebook