Opening Up Entrepreneurship

Laser Fix: Hair Removal Clinic Emphasizes Positive Self Image

new laser hair reduction clinic plans discount for those with PCOS

Mckenzie Minter |

LASER? I BARELY KNOW HER. Laser Fix opened in EC and is striving to give everyone the confidence they need. (Submitted Photos)
LASER? I BARELY KNOW HER. Laser Fix recently opened in EC and is striving to give everyone the confidence they deserve. (Submitted Photos)

Hair removal can be a sensitive subject – and procedure. Laser Fix, a new laser hair removal clinic in Eau Claire, emphasizes the importance of a positive self-image while providing a comfortable atmosphere. 

“People should really have access to (laser hair reduction),” said owner Brooke Krause. “This is a place where your self-esteem is going to grow, and I always want it to be that way.”

Originally graduating from UW-Eau Claire in finance and working as a wealth advisor out of college, Krause was still looking for an outlet to demonstrate the genuine passion she had for helping people, which was a trait she developed while working as a CNA throughout college. She thought back to her own experience of receiving laser hair reduction and knew that was what she wanted to pursue.

Laser Fix Owner, Brooke Krause

Krause attended Rocky Mountain Laser College in Denver, Colorado, which offers is a two-part course. The first section is online and the second section is a hands-on, in-person experience where you interact with the laser machine, which is the same one that Krause has in her clinic.

“I really needed to know what I was doing right away,” Krause said. “I needed to know everything about running this business, from operating the machine, getting maintenance, (and) taking care of the paperwork I needed to have the medical director sign; absolutely everything.”

Additionally, Krause offers a discount for those affected by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). In this specific case regarding hair removal treatment, the overproduction of testosterone – a symptom of PCOS – can lead to new or more hair growth. Because Laser Fix is still so new, Krause doesn’t have an official statement on the website, but it is something she’s working on.

“It is fair to say that I’m working and evolving (a PCOS discount),” Krause said. “I want people to ask me about it before they come in.”

Krause also clarifies that she’s not anti-hair by any means. She encourages those who are interested in trying laser hair reduction to do so if it’s something that’ll help boost their confidence and positively affect their lives.

Krause appreciates the opportunities she’s been given and the various connections she’s already made with others in the area. She has hopes of expanding her business by onboarding more customers, employees, and potential services in the future.

Laser Fix is located at 130 S. Barstow St., Suite 1C, Eau Claire. For more information online, visit