Multiply the Good: E.C.-Based Effort Aims to Aid Ukrainian Refugees
business owner and boyfriend decided to create way for locals to help

More often than not, when we see injustices around the world we feel an urge to help, but don’t know how. This dilemma is what pushed Sarah Decker-Paul, owner of Lydia’s Interiors in Eau Claire, and her boyfriend, John Walton, to start Gather for Good.
John had learned about a man from Texas who traveled to Poland and volunteered at the World Central Kitchen to serve meals to Ukrainian refugees who have fled their war-ravaged homeland. He decided he wanted to travel to Poland and help with the cause, and Sarah jumped on board as well.
“He got really emotional talking about it,” Decker-Paul said. “Just about what these mothers and all these people are going through. He just felt very strongly that he wanted to go volunteer at the World Central Kitchen.” The nonprofit group, founded by celebrity chef José Andrés, organizes meals in places struck by natural or human-caused disasters.
When Sarah brought her ideas to the employees at Lydia’s Interiors, they immediately supported her decision to travel to Poland and asked how else they could help. Sarah always had a goal of being able to use her business to support others in need, but COVID-19 made doing so a challenge. She then had the idea to host Gather for Good at Lydia’s Interiors, an event to raise money for World Central Kitchen.
Gather for Good will be 5-9pm Thursday, May 26, at Lydia’s, 3460 Mall Drive, Suite 4, Eau Claire. The event will include performances by local musicians, a silent auction with items donated by local businesses, and a Ukrainian woman who will perform folk dances and share a presentation. Lydia’s will also be providing food and drinks as well. All funds will be donated to World Central Kitchen. If want to help Ukrainian refugees, but don’t know where to start, Lydia’s Interiors wants to be that place.
“John said he wanted to start multiplying himself, so when he talked to me and I talked to the ladies at work, it was like we were multiplying it,” Decker-Paul said. “Maybe you feel like you can’t do enough on your own, but if we come together we can all multiply the good.”
To learn more about this Gather for Good event you can check out their Facebook, Gather for Good - Ukraine.