Chalk All About It: Chalk the Walk for Mental Health
grab some chalk and scribble encouragement this May

Sweep off your sidewalks and get ready to chalk your way through spring as Eau Claire Healthy Communities puts on the “Chalk the Walk” event for Mental Health Awareness Month.
All May, Eau Claire residents are encouraged to chalk positive sayings, affirmations, encouragements, and all other happy words on neighborhood sidewalks. Eau Claire Healthy Communities wants to build mental health awareness from the ground up (literally), even with something as small as a nicely chalked walk.
Eau Claire Healthy Communities, a coalition to promote Eau Claire’s overall well-being, said that in a recent Community Health Assessment, mental health is a top health concern in Eau Claire County. Additionally, in the “2022 County Health Rankings, Eau Claire County residents reported an average of four mentally unhealthy days within the past 30 days,” Healthy Communities said.
Chalk the Walk will be happening for the whole month, so get your chalk ready and your creativity flowing. Free chalk is offered at the Children’s Museum of Eau Claire (40 S. Barstow St.) during regular business hours.