Music Dance

Care to Party-cipate? New Music Party in the Plaza in June

music event coming to Haymarket Plaza this summer

Sawyer Hoff, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED. Party in the Plaza will take place in Haymarket Plaza on June 11 & 25.
LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED. Party in the Plaza will take place in Haymarket Plaza on June 11 and 25.

Great music, great friends, and great scenery – what could be better? The City of Eau Claire is hosting a new music event in Haymarket Plaza this June called Party in the Plaza.

The inspiration for this event came from Madison’s Dane Dances, which is a free music event for the community to come together and listen to a range of diverse musicians.

Party in the Plaza is a free event that will be held Saturday, June 11, and Saturday, June 25, from 6-9pm. While performers are still being finalized, booked bands include Uncommon Denominator, Weapons of Brass Destruction, and some salsa bands. 

Dustin Olson,  communication and promotions coordinator for the City of Eau Claire, explained that the hope for this event is to open the Haymarket floodgates for other local events. Eau Claire’s Family Night has already been moved to Haymarket Plaza, and so has part of Jazz Fest.

To learn more about Party in the Plaza,  visit the events calendar at