If I were the kind of guy to do a certain sort of thing, I’d buy one of those big inflatable Santa Clauses. Like … a BIG one.

I’m talking about a really, really big one.

I don’t care how big you think I mean. I mean bigger. Taller than my house. Taller than the power lines. So tall I’ll be getting visits from civil inspection agencies and environmental protection services. Santa’s inflatable boots will cover my entire front yard. And the street. His big, goofy inflatable beard will be home to the cozy nests of countless winter birds. His holly jolly inflatable sack o’ presents will create a shadow in which snow will never melt.

Santa’s largeness will make the people of Eau Claire happy. And yet, a little uneasy. Wisconsinites from as far away as both Stanley and Boyd will speak of “Big Santa” in hushed tones of excitement and awe. For his lofty girth shall crackle with energy.

Big holiday energy.

A frosty weather system of silver and gold mist will encircle Big Santa’s big happy stocking cap, reaching ever skyward. Yuletide lightning bolts of red and green will pierce the heavens. But in place of rolling thunder, tolling bells will sound across the valley. Big Santa’s gaze will blanket every neighborhood and every downtown area, every lonely cottage hidden in the nearby forests. His kind look will lighten our hearts.

None shall escape. All shall smell of warm sugar cookies and cinnamon.

Santa’s largeness will make the people of Eau Claire happy. And yet, a little uneasy. Wisconsinites from as far away as both Stanley and Boyd will speak of “Big Santa” in hushed tones of excitement and awe. For his lofty girth shall crackle with energy.


Without saying a word, we will just understand what Big Santa is about. We have nothing to fear. Big Santa has come, if not to solve our many problems, then to give us a small rest from our worry. If only for a matter of days. If only for one night, one morning, one loving minute.

He’ll give us a chance to turn away from our troubles. “If you would, look to me,” he seems to ask. “Look to me and smile in my crimson glow.”

Can you see that mammoth Santa? Can you even begin to believe how big he is?

Oh yes, if I were the kind of guy to do a certain sort of thing, I’d buy one of those big inflatable Santa Clauses.

Many years from now, when this city looks absolutely different, on a cold and snowy night, a grandfather will ask, “Was it real? Was Big Santa ever real?”

His family will pour him a tasty mug of hot chocolate, place another log onto the fire. They will answer, “I don’t know, Grandpa. But I sure hope so.”

And as the children drift off to sleep that night, their dreams will take the color and shape of sweet plums. They’ll see a sky filled with stars, and just over the horizon, a tiny team of deer will leap from the forest floor.

In the deep pockets of their precious young minds, a gentle voice will echo. A quiet voice of comfort and joy.

Ho, ho, ho.

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