
Beautiful Words Collide in ‘A Collision of Words’

new memoir in verse explores long-lost memories from growing up in Eau Claire

Stephanie Nesja, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

'A LABOR OF LOVE'. Longtime musician Billy Krause recently penned his memoir in verse, A Collision of Words.
'A LABOR OF LOVE'. Longtime musician Billy Krause recently penned his memoir in verse, A Collision of Words.

Longtime local musician Billy Krause calls his new memoir in verse A Collision of Words – a “labor of love.” Featuring cover art by his son, this is Krause’s first publication at the ripe age of 70, thanks to the support and encouragement from his family and fans. “It started as a collection but morphed into a memoir,” Krause said. “There was a bit of myself in everything I wrote.”

Over the years, Krause wrote poetic messages in cards intended for loved ones. As he read through snippets of writing filed away since the 1970s, Krause felt inspired to include a few lines as he recalled memories once long forgotten.  Writing poetry, unlike songwriting, has less focus on the rhythm in line, and keeps his mind active. “It’s more freeing to me,” he confessed. His poem, “The Home Place,” perhaps best encompasses Krause’s connection to the city, detailing his childhood home. “It’s my town,” he said. And in his town, his many observations, experiences, and inspiration from fellow writers encouraged him – and inspired him – to create this collision of words, now available at local bookshops. With themes ranging from chemotherapy and survival to fantasy and whimsy to family and memories, Krause’s hope is for his readers to find a way to relate to his words. 

To read a selection from A Collision of Words by William T. Krause, visit Volume One’s Local Lit page.