Kid Stuff

Sensory-Friendly Santa

meet Santa without all the crowds and noise

Barbara Arnold |

Considering the crowds, loud noises, the touching and bumping into people, visiting with Santa Claus at the mall may not be for everyone. The health care professionals at Foundations Therapy in Menomonie, know this only too well from the children with special needs that they care for. So for the second year in a row, they are offering a Sensory Friendly Santa event from 9am to noon on Saturday, Dec. 7, at their clinic, 2018 S. Broadway St. Advance reservations are required by calling (715) 953-2100 – because, as everyone knows, Santa is a pretty busy guy this time of year!

The cost is $20, with payment in advance preferred if possible, for a 15-minute visit with Santa. Each family will also receive three to four photographs with Santa, along with healthy snacks and a goody bag for the parents or guardians. And if last year is any example, just consult with the family of a child who has cerebral palsy sitting on the floor reading The Night Before Christmas with St. Nick, or another child with sensitivities to touch keeping his space and getting to blow bubbles with the jolly old elf.

For additional info, find the event listing on Facebook, call (715) 953-2100, or email

Sensory-Friendly Santa. Where: Foundations Therapy, 2018 S. Broadway St., Menomonie. Cost: $20. When: Dec. 7 (Reservations required). Contact Foundations Therapy at (715) 953-2100 or email