
Book It to the Chippewa Valley Book Festival

Barbara Arnold |

John Hildebrand
Writer John Hildebrand is part of the 2019 Chippewa Valley Book Festival

The 20th annual Chippewa Valley Book Festival (Oct. 21-27) is wooing book lovers with just six words: “Twenty events. Seven days. One festival.” There are so many authors, so many books, and so little time. Readers and writers of all ages can share their passion for the written word via readings, book signings, meals, and programs – the majority of which are free. Eighteen authors will grace stages across the Valley. Four ticketed events require advance purchase. Following a chance to meet and mingle with festival authors on Oct. 25 at Forage, local author B.J. Hollars will discuss Things That Go Bump When You Write: On Monsters, Martians, and the Search for the Truth in the Strange. This ticket is $35. Adam Regn Arvidson, author of Wild and Rare, will discuss Upper Midwest plants and animals on the endangered species list over lunch at the Chippewa Valley Museum on Wednesday, Oct. 23, for $15. At Cooking My Way Home on Sunday Oct. 27, at Forage for $20, attendees will enjoy conversation with Beth Dooley and a sample of her locally sourced recipes prepared by Forage’s Chef Michelle Thiede. Finally, Rebecca Makkai will discuss her novel The Great Believers, which chronicles the 1980s Chicago AIDS epidemic, at the Pablo Center at the Confluence on Saturday, Oct. 26, for $10. Three free events at Pablo Center also require tickets: John Hildebrand, Kim Brooks, and ecWit. More than a dozen events are free and require no ticket. For the entire festival schedule, visit

Local Legends T-Shirt Poll

The Local Store is adding vintage-style tees featuring the logos of famous former businesses we all know and love. We call the series Local Legends, and we want YOU to pick the tees we’ll make this year.

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contest ends Sun. Sep. 29