
Author Mike Perry Seeks Father-Daughter Tales

Cassandra Kyser, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

Michael Perry is working on a new book about the relationship between fathers and daughters, and he wants to hear from you. “Fathers, if you could share one bit of advice with your daughters, what would it be?” he wrote. “Daughters, what advice would you give fathers?” Perry is accepting submissions and ideas through his blog, “The book is still very much in a rough draft stage, so I can only speak to the bits that exist, and what I hope it will be,” Perry said. “It’s about all the lessons my daughters have taught me as both a father and man.” Fathers and Daughters is due to be released in 2020. “Some of the book is predicated on watching my elder daughter graduate and feeling a rush of uncertainty about all the ways I may have failed to teach her, or prepare her,” Perry said. “I reflect on raising daughters in an age when we are quite rightly reconsidering traditional roles and suppositions.” Perry wants to hear all kinds of stories, from silly to heartfelt to serious. Perry’s Feb. 2 post has the submission link: Rest assured, Perry promises to protect your privacy and will not use your real name. “I am not trying to pass myself off as some expert,” he wrote. “In my heart of hearts, I hope I can write a book that makes the world better for daughters.”