Going Green for Earth Week
EC organizations host a world of Earth Week events
To celebrate Earth Day on April 22, Eau Claire is hosting events throughout the week to promote sustainability and encourage community members to go green all year. U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin established Earth Day in 1970, and since then it has grown into a week-long celebration worldwide.
The Chippewa Valley Sustainability Fair and Wisconsin League for Conservation Voters kick off Earth Week on Saturday, April 14, with the March for Science & Climate on the UW-Eau Claire Campus Mall. The march is held in cities around the world to promote sustainability and climate action. To inspire change and discussion about climate and sustainability, the Sustainability Fair presents an event titled “Protecting our Earth,” which discusses science and climate policy changes from 2017.
In addition to the discussion, event hosts will provide attendees with resources to get involved in the anti-climate change movement. On Friday, April 20, Lazy Monk Brewery hosts “Green Drinks,” for environment enthusiasts of all sorts to socialize.
The event, put on by the Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters, is meant to help enthusiasts network and share resources about sustainability. To finish off the week on Saturday, April 21, The Plus will hold “Jam It For The Planet,” an annual concert which features performances from artists on a local and regional scale. The event is free, highlighting speakers and offering Earth Week workshops.
The Chippewa Valley Sustainability Fair hosts Earth Week 2018 • Saturday, April 14 - Saturday, April 21 • Eau Claire • chippewavalleysustainability.org