Beer the Walking Dead

drag yourself out on the town for EC’s Zombie Crawl

Emily Kinzel |

Don’t get too ahead of yourself. It isn’t quite the Christmas season, but it is time to haul out fake spider webs, drink gallons of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and watch those classic 1980s slasher movies. But just wait: It gets more festive. For those hardcore Halloween enthusiasts out there who watch Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown year round, do we have an event for you! Join the 2017 Eau Claire Zombie Crawl, featuring blood-covered goons of all shapes and sizes. This special zombie-centric celebration begins at 5pm Saturday, Oct. 7, and stretches into the wee hours of the night. Meet at 203 S. Farwell St. in Downtown Eau Claire to engage in a spooky bar crawl that includes the Wigwam Tavern, The Plus, The Mousetrap Tavern, Clancy’s Irish Parrot Bar, The Eau Claire Fire House, and Scooters Bar. What an itinerary! Some participating bars may offer drink specials and/or provide free admission for this group’s creepy performance, so start practicing those ghoulish groans and decomposing facial expressions in the mirror. For more information or to get costume ideas, search for ECZombieCrawl on Facebook. Don fake blood, give us some gore, and show us your best dead man’s limp because it’s zombie time! 

Eau Claire Zombie Crawl • begins 5pm Saturday, Oct. 7 • gather at City Hall, 203 S. Farwell St., then proceed to numerous taverns •