Readying to Rumble
pro wrestling showdown will benefit veterans’ needs
Ed Hudgins, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

One ... two … he got him ... NO, HE KICKED OUT, BAH GOD, HE KICKED OUT!!! Just in case that reference is slightly esoteric, this is about pro wrestling, friend. And it’s coming, not to Minneapolis, not to Milwaukee, but to the Chippewa Valley! You know you’ve been thirsting for some bell-to-bell, knife-edge chop-filled, mat action and the time has come (almost)! On Saturday, Sept. 9, at the Eagles Club in Lake Hallie, elbows will be dropped and legs will be hooked as Showtime Championship Wrestling invades the Valley as a part of the Third Annual Hallie Block Party, with the event raising money for Unmet Needs for veterans. Last year’s Block Party raised approximately $16,000 for the same cause. So, the cause is worthy and enough reason, perhaps, to attend. But if you are also looking for some physicality, technical mat skills, and spandex, Showtime will be there to fill your needs, with the big-time main event pitting Devlin Kain against Joey Jet Avalon. Other grapplers scheduled to appear are Lina De’Oro, Vanessa Azure, Sierra, “The Filmmaker” Movie Myk, DeAndre Jackson, and many others. If you need more vertical suplexes in your life, Showtime Championship Wrestling’s event in September may be just what the doctor (as in “Dr. Death” Steve Williams) ordered. This event is being billed as family-friendly. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Showtime Championship Wrestling at the Third Annual Hallie Block Party • 6-10pm, Saturday, Sept. 9 • Eagle’s Club, 2588 Hallie Road, Chippewa Falls • $10 general admission, $15 front-row seat, under 12 free with paid adult •