Extending a Friendly Hand
Hands of Peace performance comes together against bullying
Chippewa Valley Montessori Elementary School is teaming up with BaredFeet Co., a local nonprofit, to produce an art performance piece aimed at charity and peace, while conveying an anti-bullying message. This performance is youth-led, mixing art, poetry, theatre, dance, and choir into one fantastic experience called “Hands of Peace: No Bullying.” The generous inclusion of all elementary-aged children in the Eau Claire area enables students to explore complex ideas such as the topic of peace – allowing children to deliver the message of being peaceful to our community. The Montessori Elementary School not only encouraged youth in the area to perform, but to contribute to art competitions as well. These competitions help to set the tone of the performance as winners will be used on performance costumes, printed materials, and announced publicly. All entries will be displayed at the performance. Contributions range from poetry to drawings to paintings, emphasizing the message of Hands of Peace. The art pieces are then turned into performance programs, posters, shirts, and more. The program encourages children from grades 4K-12 to participate within their school, express themselves through artistic outlets, and speak out against bullying.
Hands of Peace: No Bullying performance • May 13 and 14, 3pm • Eau Claire Memorial High School Auditorium, 2225 Keith St., Eau Claire • FREE (donations accepted) • baredfeet.wordpress.com