Cover Art

On the Cover | April 5, 2017

learn more about V1's cover art from Holli Jacobson

Connect the Dots, Lalalalaby Holli Jacobson
paint and ink on children’s book page
6” x 8.5” • 2007-8

Holli Jacobson is an Eau Claire artist specializing in colorful, playful, slightly sinister, worth-a-second-glance art. She draws, paints, and experiments in her free time.

“While a canvas and brush are tools in my repertoire, I often find myself transforming found pieces of paper or printed materials for my drawings and paintings. 'Connect the Dots, Lalalala' is a page from an artist’s book I created by deconstructing a children’s book, editing the images and text with paint and ink, and reconstructing the book in a new order. The visual innocence of the original children’s book contrasts the curious manipulations of paint and ink, leaving the viewer slightly debased. The juxtaposition of cute and strange, old and new, trash and treasure becomes a recurring theme connected to my process. Finding potential in discarded material is a puzzle that continues to excite and incite new artwork.” – The Artist

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a message.