Method Writing
area writer’s thrillers come from real life experiences
When I first dialed Alexi Venice, she sounded strong and sure of herself, much like her fictitious character Pepper McCallen.
“There’s no doubt that Pepper was my alter ego in the first book,” Venice tells me.
After publishing the first three books in the Pepper McCallen series, (Ebola Vaccine Wars, Victus, and Svea’s Sins) in just about a year, Venice’s latest novel, Margaret River Winery is out for sale this summer (check The Local Store, Mayo Clinic gift shop or for a copy of your own).
Not familiar with the action/thriller series? To sum it up, Pepper McCallen is a badass heroine (think female James Bond) who practiced as a corporate lawyer for a large pharmaceutical company in her former life. Once she discovered the company perpetrated a fraud on Nigerians with Ebola, she became actively involved in a counterterrorism agency.
“The books are built around Pepper’s metamorphosis from corporate lawyer to full blown action hero,” Venice explains.
In Venice’s latest novel, Margaret River Winery, Pepper joins the upper ranks of the U.S counterterrorism agency in order to find Lily Wang and avenge her 10-year-old son’s murder at the hands of terrorists. Pepper finds herself emotionally vulnerable – after the loss of her child and the guilt she feels taking lives in battle – tempting her to have an affair. The novel is chock-full of adventure per usual, this time taking place in Western Australia.
“I like to add a hint of romance for the ladies, but ironically, it’s my male readers who are always asking me for more romance in my books,” Venice said.
When Venice isn’t traveling to faraway places doing research for the next novel she has lined up, she practices law under her real name, Andra Palmer, almost full-time, as a lawyer for Mayo Clinic here in Eau Claire.
I chuckled and asked her how she manages to successfully do both.
She says that time management really comes into play. You can find her up writing at the wee hour of 5am, until 7:30am, when she prepares to go into work. She also keeps writing most evenings and weekends.
Venice reluctantly admitted she began writing when she was just 25 years old, having written her very first manuscript and tossing it in the attic after some suggested that she join a writing group. Just about a year and a half ago, after her daughter left for college, she decided to pick it back up again. She hopes her experiences and writing style have improved her stories over the last 25 years.
“I like to write for four to five hours every day,” she said. “When I’m on a roll, I can write a 1,000 words an hour … I always know what the next chapter is going to be before I sit down.”
As for her latest endeavors, Venice spent time traveling to Australia, which ended up inspiring not just one new novel, but two.
Venice tells me over the phone that she’s a big believer in living life to the fullest, which is why she tries to experience just as many of things as Pepper does in her novels. Venice dives into her character, taking the time in real life to learn to shoot an assault rifle, fly a jet, wakeboard, and take kick-boxing lessons to name a few.
“All of my life experiences come to bear in these novels,” she said.
Whether it’s love, loss, or adventure, Venice’s novels are very much a bit of reflection of the life she’s lived so far.
Regarding the Pepper McCallen series, you can expect another page-turner of Pepper kicking more butt while exploring lochs in Scotland, and even the streets of our beloved town of Eau Claire, in the fifth Pepper novel, entitled Loch na Pollach.
Venice’s current project is a fantasy novel, where Satan runs for President of the United States and tarantulas transform into humans in the Australian aborigine culture. She hopes that book will be published and in paperback before Christmas this year.