Kid Stuff

Make Sure the Little Ones Like to Move It, Move It

Barbara Arnold |

Come shake the sillies out at the Wellness ROCKS Music and Movement class from 9:30-10am on Fridays, Jan. 9 through March 13, at the Menomonie Public Library, 600 Wolske Bay Road. Sponsored by Mayo Clinic Health System-Red Cedar and geared for preschoolers (five years old and younger) and their caregivers, kids can rock out to “ABC Rock” by Greg and Steve or count along with Dr. Jean on the “Number Song.” Some songs will give directions such as “count,” “jump,” or “freeze.” Others are just free dance, and children will use instruments, such as maracas, to play along with the songs, or use scarves and ribbons to move to the music. Other songs have exercise movements such as jumping jacks, touching your toes, running in place, marching, or acting like different animals. “Music and Movement activities encompass the development of the whole child – cognitive, physical, emotional, and social,” says Tina Tharp, community wellness supervisor at Mayo Clinic Health System-Red Cedar. “Plus, it’s a lot of fun! Children learn by doing and playing. And play is child’s work.” The class is free. Adult supervision is required. Visit for additional info.