Beaton Announces City Council Candidacy

Kate Beaton, a recent UW-Eau Claire graduate, is running for city council. Beaton is a UW-Extension social worker and UW-Eau Claire alumna who served on a citizen’s advisory committee that helped develop Eau Claire’s updated comprehensive plan. Beaton made her name by establishing the Market Match program for the Downtown Farmers Market and was awarded the Jack Keating Student Civic Leadership Award from Wisconsin Campus Compact for her work with the program. Beaton also worked to create the the UW-Eau Claire Centennial Campus Market. “I care deeply about the City of Eau Claire,” Beaton wrote in a press release, “I want to do all that I can to contribute to preserving all that is great about Eau Claire and make it an even better place to live, work, and raise a family in the future.” Beaton is looking to focus on community enhancement projects and food insecurities. The City Council election runs next year on April 5, when there will be five at-large seats to be filled. Beaton will be running alongside incumbents Catherine Emmanuelle, Tim Tewalt, Michael Xiong, and Eric Larsen. Those wishing to run must file their nomination papers by January 5