Visual Art

Annual Ink & Paper Print Sale Adds $2500 in Cash & Prizes for Local Artists

V1 Staff |

Ink & Paper 2014
Ink & Paper Print Sale

Artists interested in submitted their work for the Volume One Gallery’s annual Ink & Paper Print Sale now have another incentive to do so: This year, $2,500 in cash and prizes will be available to the artists. Volume One has partnered with Powertex Group – a design, printing, and e-commerce firm in Eau Claire – to bring the event to this next level. There will be a “Best of Show” prize that includes $500 in cash and $500 in product printing credit from Powertex, as well as five separate $100 cash prizes (paired with five $200 printing credits) in five categories. The Ink & Paper Sale annually features more than 500 pieces of 2D printed work on paper by nearly 100 local and regional artists. The sale opens with a reception on Friday, Nov. 6, and will run through Jan. 2. To submit your work, you must register online by Thursday, Oct. 15. For full details visit