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Visual Art

Flying to the Gallery

Valley’s airport displays rotating selection of local art

Amanda Boehm, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

The Chippewa Valley Regional Airport’s new art display space is open to submissions from anyone.
The Chippewa Valley Regional Airport’s new art display space is open to
submissions from anyone.

For some people, waiting for a flight in an airport is about as exciting as watching five consecutive hours of C-SPAN with great-uncle Harold. Thankfully, the Chippewa Valley Regional Airport has a solution for the boredom that plagues travelers in airport terminals.  

In 2008 when remodeling of the airport’s terminal began, the airport commission expressed interest in adding artwork to the terminal. Lighting and a hanging system ideal for wire-hung pieces were included in the architectural plans.

In 2008 when remodeling of the airport’s terminal began, the airport commission expressed interest in adding artwork to the terminal. Lighting and a hanging system were included in the architectural plans.

Today, local art that rotates monthly is displayed on all available wall space in the main lobby of the airport’s passenger terminal. The hallway between the main terminal and The Farm on Starr Restaurant and Bar – which is expected to open in March – contains artwork that changes approximately every month and a half. The exhibit can be viewed at any time the airport is open.

Organizers say that displaying artwork in the passenger terminal has benefitted the airport by providing passengers with something to occupy their time while they wait for their flights, by bringing people to the airport who are interested in the art but are not planning on flying, and by engaging restaurant diners.  People who have not had a reason to travel to the airport make visits to see the changing artwork. The casual viewing experience is enjoyed by all, and occasionally there are inquiries about whether the art is for sale. Out-of-state passengers receive a first impression of Eau Claire through the images displayed, giving them a little taste of the area before they set foot in it. A recent exhibit featured wildlife photography by Jerry Matysik, while the current display features watercolors by Bonnie Fetzek.

The first exhibit at the terminal was a UW-Eau Claire faculty show several years ago curated by airport manager Charity Speich. After expressing interest in the exhibition, Lloyd Fleig and Claude Schilling began co-curating, quickly booking up the space through the year. Fleig estimates that 75 percent of the artwork exhibited or booked for exhibition was created by artists from the Eau Claire area. The other 25 percent comes from artists from other parts of the region served by the airport. About 80 percent of what has been displayed has been photography. A watercolor collection was presented last fall, however, and the airport is open to displaying artwork of all mediums, including sculpture if there is available space.

The opportunity to display artwork at the Chippewa Valley Regional Airport is open to everyone. The submission process is simple: Artists should prepare samples of their work and meet with either Fleig or Schilling. The artworks are not juried, but are selected in tasteful consideration of the airport. For each new exhibit, artists have the opportunity to hold an opening reception for their work, although it is not required.

For information about art exhibits exhibits at the Chippewa Valley Regional Airport, 3800 Starr Ave., contact Fleig at or Schilling at, or call the airport at 715-839-4900. For news of upcoming exhibits, find the Chippewa Valley Regional Airport page on Facebook.