Tomorrow 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park

Attack of the Zombie Crawl

undead come shambling back for year two of ghoulish fun

Anna Field |

Brains? Yes, please.
Brains? Yes, please.

Can’t wait for Halloween? Love zombies more than any creature? From Night of the Living Dead to current Walking Dead zombies, for you 21+ participants, you can represent yourself in any genre of zombie at the Zombie Crawl for its second year in Eau Claire. Founded by Greg Bauwens and Stephanie Calkins, this event began last year in participating bars and returns this year on Saturday October 6th. The Zombie Crawl begins with a gathering in Wilson Park from 4-6pm dubbed the Precrawl Hangout and Zombification stations. Come to meet other participants and get help with your zombie look. DJ KB will also be appearing to “pumpkin up the jam,” creators say on their poster. Grab some friends and bust out the fake blood and scary makeup, create a zombie character that’s all your own. Be it a weathered and torn apart creature, or a freshly woken up, hungry for brains, bleeding profusely from the mouth zombie, commit to your character and hunt for flesh with the rest of your crew. Participating bars include the Firehouse, Moustrap, Playmakers, Clancy’s, Scooters, and a few others. Wristbands are now available at all these establishments, 1 for $3 and 2 for $5. Drink specials are available at each participating bar; stop by each one for deals and for endless zombie interaction. The Zombie Crawl’s Facebook page features a stokeage meter, currently up to beefin’ level and nearing towards pumped. Needless to say the closer we get to the event the more excited these zombie lovers will get. Eau Claire is not the only city to feature zombies as a means of getting people together and a great theme for a pub crawl, events spanning across the Twin Cities have featured events with thousands of zombies attending, there’s even a regular zombie themed bar for those that just can’t get enough. So if after a night of zombie themed debauchery you’re still not satisfied, there are always other options. Just make sure to start with the Zombie Crawl to jump right in to this never ending zombie craze.