River Videos
a collection of videos to keep you rolling down the river
Local River Videos
High Speed River Ride thru Downtown Eau Claire - Take a short trip down the Eau Claire River from the Boyd Park bridge right through downtown to Phoenix Park in just three minutes (10x speed!). Local music by DeYarmond Edison. Created by Volume One's Nick Meyer and Shawn Brunner on September 8, 2012.
Chippewa River Side Surfing - A little Chippewa River side surfing in Downtown Eau Claire. Up river from the East Madison Street Bridge.
Canoeing the Chippewa River - A short documentary made while canoeing the Chippewa River between Eau Claire and Caryville, Wis.
Ecological Signigicance of the Chippewa Basin - The first in a twelve-part Pedal and Paddle Pollution Video Tour chronicling watershed and runoff issues on the Lower Chippewa River.
Non-Local River Videos
Kayaking Wausau Whitewater Park - Members of the Chicago Whitewater Association present: Kayaking the Wausau Whitewater Park, Wausau, Wis.
Inspired by the Urban River - Volunteers for Paddle Without Pollution talk about why it is important for individuals to take action and clean up our waterways. More: PaddleWithoutPollution.com
Atwater Riverwalk: How Restoring Urban Rivers Can Revitalize Cities - National Health Journalism Fellows begin their tour of the Los Angeles River to learn about ongoing efforts to green and revitalize the waterway and improve the health and quality of life of millions of people who live nearby.