Developments likely for both Chippewa Falls, Menomonie downtowns?
Downtown development in Chippewa Falls could start as soon as spring 2013. After first proposing their project to the city in 2007, engineer firm Short Elliott Hendrickson is finally seeing some action. The City Council voted in favor of working on a developer’s agreement to build a new building at the southern entrance of downtown. If the city follows through with the plan, SEH would relocate to the new building and close its office on the south side of Chippewa Falls. The new SEH building would be two stories and about 20,000 square feet. The project is estimated to be between $4 million and $4.5 million. State money and tax increment finance district funding would pay for the project. Downtown plans in Menomonie are also in deliberation. Discussion of a proposal to build a residential and retail development in their downtown took place Aug. 6.