
Sampler Features Two Local Author-Professors

Taylor Kuether |

Rattlesnake Valley Publishing got started just a year ago by Andrew Davis, a Houston, Minn. native, as an effort to give little-known authors an opportunity to be published. The company’s first project, Rattlesnake Valley Sampler, was released in late November, giving two local authors that opportunity. Brian Fitch, a UW-Stout English professor, and Steve Luebke, a UW-River Falls English professor, were each published in the Sampler, which adhered loosely to the theme of the Mississippi River Valley. In some cases, like Fitch’s, the author simply had to live near the Mississippi River Valley. Fitch lives up in the hills above the Rush River, near Maiden Rock. Fitch and Luebke gave a reading of their contributions to the book at Cogitare Books in Menomonie in December, and Rattlesnake Valley Sampler is available for purchase at Amazon.