Glimpse | Finally! Downtown Gets Landmark Sinage
Wayfaring signage in Eau Claire’s city center has been discussed for several years. The city even earmarked funds for it. Well after being placed on the backburner for other pressing items, destination-based signage will finally be coming to downtown Eau Claire. Public Works Director Brian Amundson said you can expect to start seeing said signs show up in August, as they were just working out details like size and color schemes by the time this went to print. (Though they’ll likely be blue with white lettering.) The signs will concern four major “parent” groups: UWEC, Carson Park, Water Street, and downtown. Since the purpose of the signs are to signal how to get in or out these places, and what’s contained therein, as you travel the landmarks on the signs will change. “So if you’re on Farwell, the four things on there might be city hall, the courthouse, Phoenix Park, and the library,” Amundson said. So if you’re driving east on Water Street, for another example, it could signal Owen Park or West Grand business corridor. And if you’re near UWEC, it might mark upper campus and Davies Center. Either way, it’s high time for this sort of thing.