Opening Shots

Opening Shot | July 7, 2011

V1 Staff |

The rigging at the State Theatre (ropes, wires, pulleys, pipes, and weights above the stage) is being replaced. The huge project (it costs about $120,000) has been on their “to do list” for quite a while as the current system was donated in 1986 (used) by the Minneapolis Auditorium. Some of the line sets had become unusable, and others could only carry light loads. The new system will give more flexibility for staging and lighting. The project is being paid for with a Community Development Block Grant.
The rigging at the State Theatre (ropes, wires, pulleys, pipes, and weights above the stage) is being replaced. The huge project (it costs about $120,000) has been on their “to do list” for quite a while as the current system was donated in 1986 (used) by the Minneapolis Auditorium. Some of the line sets had become unusable, and others could only carry light loads. The new system will give more flexibility for staging and lighting. The project is being paid for with a Community Development Block Grant.