Downtown Eau Claire Streets Will Be Two-Way, But Design Input Still Needed

Trevor Kupfer, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

Gonna have it both ways.
Gonna have it both ways.

It’s official. Barstow and Graham will be two-way streets this time next year. On May 10 the city council voted 9-1 in favor of the switch, which coincides with a downtown reconstruction project that also includes Eau Claire Street and the east riverfront. Ultimately officials believe it will increase traffic, make visitor navigation clearer, slow down speeds, and increase exposure for businesses. Council President Kerry Kincaid, who went to the public meetings, said she didn’t hear a vehement attitude on either side, and in her eyes there were not as many advantages to keeping it one-way. They’ll need to make accommodations for deliveries, but Kincaid said she’s confident they’ll do so without many problems. Ayres Associates is now working on the design of the street (which Designer Garret Perry said will mimic some of the themes presented for Eau Claire Street) with the goal of presenting images at a public meeting in mid- to late-June. This will be a crucial point to get involved in the project, as discussion will turn to the different accoutrements that make an exciting pedestrian-scale downtown. Things like bumpouts, historical markers, kiosks, benches, plantings, fountains, art, archways, decorative pavers, restaurant tables, etc. The elements, along with building facades, that truly help define the vibe of downtown.