Seeing the Sign (Language)
twice monthly gathering promotes talking with your hands
Bailey Berg, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

“Come when you can; leave when you must.” This is the motto of the American Sign Language group that meets at The Goat roughly every other Tuesday. Spearheaded by a hearing woman, Lynn Scott, the group’s goal is to expand their knowledge of the language and the culture that is ASL. Scott started the group in fall of 2007 after she had exhausted all the ASL classes at UWEC, and was having to commute to St. Paul College for more classes. Scott said she was “feeling a lack of anywhere to hone my skills in the language.” So with the help of Memorial High School ASL teachers, Heather Galloy and Holly Bobo, the gathering was born. The group includes members of various ages, backgrounds, and knowledge of the language. While some are deaf or hard of hearing, others are fluent sign language interpreters at the area schools and businesses, some are high school or college students, and a few simply want to learn the language. Scott explained that the group is not a class, rather a gathering of people interested in the language, and that all levels of ability are welcome. “For those who do not know much ASL, it really gives an opportunity for people to be immersed in the language. As in any culture, we learn best when we are immersed in that culture or environment,” she said.
American Sign Language Gathering • first and third Tuesdays • The Goat Coffee House, 408 Water St. • 6:30-8pm • 832-9639