Frozen River Film Fest Finds Food Focus

The Frozen River Film Festival in Winona, MN offers tools for people to become actively engaged in their world, and to create substantial connection, understanding, and change in the face of shared challenges. The theme of this year’s Jan. 27 to 31 festival is FOOD, especially the integrity of the food cycle. Ideas will be explored through workshops, speakers, and films including the 10-year anniversary of blues documentary Genghis Blues and a much-anticipated screening of A Sense of Wonder about Silent Spring author Rachel Carson’s last year of life. Café Conversations invites attendees to chat with guest speakers over a meal from an organic buffet featuring local sustainable food. On Fringe Friday, venues in downtown Winona will host artists and performers to give attendees a “taste” of the town. Additional festival topics range from sex trafficking and Native American political activism to dumpster diving and extreme unicycling. For more information, visit